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True Struggle is a brand that represents overcoming everyday struggles & facing them head on, in order to become a better person.


True Struggle "We care" Logo Bear
Medium Size Stuffed Plush Soft Logo Bear
10” Tall Baby Blue with Red Heart on left foot with Love Written inside heart. True Struggle Apparel on Right Foot “WE CARE” on Center of body
Stethoscope coming around nec

F**k Cancer Tshirts
The story behind these Cancer shirts, Terry Jinx (model in image) is fighting multiple myeloma cancer. This type of cancer isn’t curable but it’s treatable. Terry live day to day with a smile on his face and his head high. He walks by faith not hope! His doctors randomly say to him “ it’s amazingly impressive how well your taking your current situation! His strength needs to be shared for reasons of helping others gain strength in unfortunate situations! He asked if we could partner up to help him on his walk with cancer, so we did! We partnered up on this project to help him generate funds because he can not work while consistently back-and-forth to chemo and different doctors appointments. Your support is highly appreciated! Thanks in advance!